Welcome to The Academy of Shockwave Excellence!

The #1 Community of Advanced Shockwave Users

At The Academy of Shockwave Excellence, we are dedicated to unleashing your full potential with one of the fastest-growing non-invasive modalities in the world! We believe that every individual has the potential to become a master of shockwave therapy (ESWT, also known as acoustic wave therapy) and our mission is to provide you with the tools and knowledge to harness those powers and become a true master with this powerful technology.

Founded in 2022, The Academy of Shockwave Excellence has been at the forefront of transformative education as the most interactive and practical shockwave training program in the United States. Our team of passionate experts and industry professionals has designed a comprehensive curriculum that combines theoretical knowledge with hands-on practical training, ensuring you receive a well-rounded and immersive learning experience.

Our Programs: 

Our main offering is our Shockwave Masterclass Level I-Level III programs. The Masterclass series is 2 days of learning as Level I & Level II or 2 days of Level III material catered to your current shockwave skillset. Each 2-day course includes a one-day custom workshop designed to cater to diverse interests and aspirations surrounding shockwave. Some of our workshops include myofascial approach to shockwave, shockwave-specific anatomy, ultrasound therapy with shockwave, shockwave in sports rehab, and more.

Our Approach:

The Academy believes in an interactive approach to education. We go beyond traditional classroom learning and embrace a dynamic and hands-on environment that fosters collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. Our instructors are not just teachers; they are mentors who are deeply invested in your growth and development. They will guide you through every step of the way, providing personalized attention and valuable insights that will shape your overall experience.

State-of-the-Art Technology & Equipment

Train with state-of-the-art equipment, and practical labs that replicate real-world clinical settings. Our academy is equipped with the latest shockwave therapy devices, allowing you to familiarize yourself with cutting-edge equipment and technology. Through practical demonstrations and hands-on sessions, you’ll develop the confidence and competence to integrate shockwave therapy seamlessly into your practice whether you are using radial pressure wave, focused shockwaves, or even extracorporeal magnetotransduction systems.

Global Network:

The Academy of Shockwave Excellence is proud to have a vibrant and diverse community of students, alumni, and industry partners from around the world. Through our extensive network, you will have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, collaborate on exciting projects, and establish valuable connections that can propel your practice to new heights.

Join us at The Academy of Shockwave Excellence and embark on a transformative educational journey like no other. Unleash your potential, challenge the status quo, and become a true trailblazer in your chosen field. Together, let’s create a world where excellence knows no bounds.

Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how we can help you achieve your dreams.

Remember, greatness awaits at The Academy of Shockwave Excellence!